Father's Day happens to fall on International Yoga Day this year. So as a Dad and yoga instructor here is my Eka Pada Bakasana or one legged crane (or crow) pose. I am partial to the more vertical version. Just my preference. Take time today to meditate, be mindful and be kind. Namaste.
Yoga 101 - Parivrtta Anjaneyasana
Parivrtta Anjaneyasana or Revolved Lunge Pose
has many variations and modifications.
This pose stretches the psoas and hips.
It also aids in digestion, and strengthens the quadriceps, glutes and core
Yoga 101 - Hamsasana
Hamsasana or Swan Pose
Swan pose is similar to Peacock pose (Mayurasana)
except that the fingers point forward.
Yoga 101 - Parsva Kakasana
Parsva Kakasana (side crow pose) is sometimes referred to as Parsva Bakasana (side crane pose).
This particular pose requires substantial hip flexibility, core strength and, of course, balances.